Byos requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (see Please, could you install either OpenJDK (version 11.0.2 onwards) or Oracle JRE (version 1.8.0 onwards). You can try to download the Java "x64 Installer" with the following link (go to Windows tab): Java Downloads | Oracle. The version shown in screenshot below is working well for most of our customers.
In the case in which you have more than one Java product installed (Oracle Java, OpenJDK and JRE): this could lead to problems if the Oracle Java registered (the one that Byonic looks at by default) is not up to date. To indicate which Java product should be used, you need to indicate it via system environment variable PMI_JAVA_HOME. If undefined, then the default Oracle Java registered in the system is used.
In order to specify the path, please follow the instructions to set Java Environmental Variable in the short-guide attached.