To report an issue with Byonic, please provide the following:
1. The .byparms file and the Log files
These can be found in the output folder at the following path:
C:\data_results\sample.raw_20190101_Byonic\sample.raw_ 20190228_Byonic.byparms
Log files are in objs/ subfolder, 3 files named “Log.sys_err.txt”, “Log.sys_out.txt”, and “log_operations.txt”. E.g.
2. [If permissible] The raw data file(s) and the FASTA file
These may be required depending on the problem so that we can fully reproduce the issue. We can provide an upload location for large files. Note that we keep these confidential, and we can work with your team to sign an NDA if needed.
3. Please send all of the above to