Byos reports can display a pdb file as an interactive 3D image. A default tab is present in the HDX workflow reports. In other reports, users may add switch to pdb viewer by simply choosing the display option among others in the drop-down menu:
If the user would like to obtain a PDB file from public repository such as RCSB PDB site ( for Byos analysis, it's sufficient to simply click Download Files > PDB format.
The PDB file may be copied to the software folder (C:\Program Files\ProteinMetrics\PMI-Suite\Base\html\resources\protein3dfiles) to be utilize in all Protein 3D tabs going forward. Alternatively it can be embedded to a specific project via Edit menu in inspection view > Edit pdb...
Position offset
There may be a shift in sequience numbering between the PDB file and the Byos FASTA file. In that case, you can edit the setting in Protein 3D tab; Edit > Current tab settings > Pencil icon in Protein 3D settings > change the value of Position offset. If the FASTA and PDB sequences start at the same position, enter 0 for Position offset, or a positive number if the PDB starts in the middle of the FASTA.
For multiple-chain proteins, click the add chain configuration button and define each chain name and color etc.