Each of the plots in the report will be assembled into a single tab
To create another Plots tab, select Tabs > Add plots
Plots Tab Current Tab Settings
To configure the Plots tab, choose Edit > Current tab settings:
Resize plots
When unchecked, the image will be cached by size, by default to a size that accommodates three plots per row. When checked, the image resolution is adjusted when the user designates counts of one or two images per row. To edit the images counts per row, click the Edit plot template button.
Example plot assignments are shown below:
The string [PlotXIC][PlotIsopte][PlotMS2] designates those plots in that order, three to a row. To separate these into two plots on one row, and third plot on the next row, move the third plot to the following line:
This produces the layout:
One plot per row provides the best plot resolution with a tradeoff of largest plot file size and longer retrieval times. Three plots per row provides the most economic resolution and retrieval time. Two plots per row is in between.
Plot scaling
The default value for Plot scaling is 100%, but the user has an option to decrease this value (for example, 50%) to see more smaller sized plots in the same page area, or increase this value (for example, 200%) to see enlarged plots (see figure below). Left figure is the original size, middle figure is with Plot scaling set to 50% and right figure is the Plot scaling set to 200%. This can be used in combination with Resize plots for improving the display of multiple graphs.