Byos contains default workflows that have been configured based on customer feedback for what they would most like to see in a report for a particular workflow. It is possible and expected that users will want to customize a report for their needs and the target audience the reports will be sent to. These customizations can be saved as a template and applied to future projects.
When a project is created in Byos, the report will automatically be generated and shown as a tab in the Byos window. It is this report that can be customized.
The report is split into tabs. The first tab is the summary. In the case of peptide workflows, the default contains information such as protein coverage, project creation options, search parameters used for identifications, location of data files, and location of the output files. It is possible to customize this tab by going to “Edit→Current tab settings” then click “Edit summary template”. The text and shortcodes in this view may be deleted or re-ordered.
Hint for advanced users: This editor accepts basic html tags. For example, one can add<h2>Study conclusion</h2> followed by a text field to the top of the summary tab.
The other pivot tables are configured differently. Clicking on the “show configuration” button gives the user the ability to customize reports in terms of what is desired to show in the report.
When showing the configuration, the majority of the customization is related to the first two columns. The left column shows a wide variety of available fields that a user may wish to utilize in their report. The second column shows the fields that are actually being used in the report. To include one of the available fields from the left column, simply click on the desired button and drag it into the second column. To remove a currently used field click and drag from the second column to the first column.
Within the column containing the actual fields used in the report, it is possible to reorder them by clicking and dragging into the preferred position.
Once the fields are in place, it is possible to filter on them to determine which data is displayed in the pivot table and used in the calculations. If a field button is red and italics, this means that there is a filter being applied to the pivot table. The main filter options are the “Include/Exclude” and “Show/Hide” configurations.
"Include/Exclude” simply includes or exclude the data being filtered. In this case the excluded data will not be used for calculations or shown in the table. The “Show/Hide” function will hide the filtered data in the table; however, the filtered data will still be included in calculations.
There are a wide variety of options available to display your data, including visual aids such as bar charts, heatmap tables, and even an option to use statistics such as PCA (especially useful for HCP workflows).
Via the Tabs menu, the user can add a new tab, add a plots tab, or update the entire report. Updating is usually required if there are any changes made in the inspection view of the project.
It is also possible to change how the pivot table looks, such as the number of decimal places used, number formatting, totals, etc. Click on Edit→Current tab settings to view these options.
Once the report has been customized, it can either be saved to the project or saved as a template for future analysis. To save to the project, select File→Save to document. To save as a template, select File→Save to file. The saved template (.rptc file) can now be included in the Byos workflow to load it as the default report in future analyses. To load it in other existing projects, click File→Load from File and select the file path where the report template you wish to use is located.
The entire report can be exported as a PDF or an XLS file. To export go to File→Export. Please bear in mind that if the “show configuration” settings are exposed in the report, these will also be exported as part of the report. To hide them, simply hide the configuration.
The Byos reports have a wide selection of presets that can be used. If there is something specific you require but don’t see, please contact us, there is a good chance we already have something configured for you to use. If we don’t, we can work with you to accomplish your goals.