The layout of a Byos project can customized by moving, resizing, or editing the view panes. Many of the views within Byos can be undocked by double-clicking on the tops of that view to create standalone windows that can be moved to another monitor.
These views can be click-dragged to new locations in the layout. The view can also be resized by hovering
over the vertical or horizontal edges between table and plot views so that the cursor changes to arrows:
or . Left click and drag the edges up or down or right or left to change the sizes of the views.
Columns in the table views can be made larger or smaller in same manner. To reorder columns in a table,
left click the header of the column, and drag it to the new location. To do a simple sort, left click the header once to sort ascending and twice to sort descending. Mouse over a column header to see a description of that field.
Column headers can be modified through the Column Header Editor dialog, opened by a right-click
anywhere on a table column header.
Columns can be rearranged by dragging the header names up or down. The Move to bottom or Move to top buttons will move the selected header to the top or bottom of the list. To hide a column, uncheck the Visible box for that column. This dialog can also be used to specify number of significant figures and ranked sorting. The Window > Save Layout menu preserves these edits for future use and sharing. The Reset row sorting and Reset column order buttons restore the default row and column properties.
The Window pull-down menu manages the visual layout of the user interface, and the arrangement and
sizes of the various table and plot views:
Load Layout opens a saved layout stored to files with extension *.ini. Save Layout saves the current
layout to an *.ini file, which can be used in other projects or shared with other users. Restore Default
Layout applies the layout used when the application is first opened.
Byos allows the user to incorporate saved layout files into a project workflow to automatically load your custom layout with the project. Add the ini. file in the workflow Processing Node in the UI Configuration drop down.